Get Involved In Other Ways!
Internship Opportunities!

Full Year Internship
Intern with Let’s Play America for a full year and learn the ropes around all three of our annual Play Days in Takoma Park,. Other duties will include posting to social media, maintaining equipment inventory, and supporting any additional programming needs that arise.

School Year Internship
Interns with Let’s Play America during the school year can expect to help out with the September Play Day, the Mid-Winter Play Day in February, and prep for the Adult Play Day in June. Other duties will include posting to social media, maintaining equipment inventory, and supporting any additional programming needs that arise.

Summer Internship
Intern with Let’s Play America over the summer and gain experience around programming such as the Independence Day Parade and Picnic in Takoma Park, and contribute to the prep for the annual September Play Day. Other duties will include posting to social media, maintaining equipment inventory, and supporting any additional programming needs that arise.
What Our Interns Have To Say About Their Experience!

“The Play Days made it clear that all of the work put in by volunteers and community organizations was extremely valuable. Attending a Play Day was a truly rewarding experience after helping with the planning and preparation. It is not often that I as an adult am able to sit on the sidewalk with kids and draw with sidewalk chalk. Play is an integral part of being human and it was amazing to see people of all ages come out to enjoy being outside and playing together.”

"My experience organizing a Play Day was really rewarding, especially when I saw how multiple kids can enjoy playing without any fancy pieces of equipment. I remember seeing them decorating mud-pies with various berries and how they were really engaged with the activities, and that still puts a smile on my face when I think about it."

"..interning with Let's Play America has been one of the highlights of our last year in high school, and we highly recommend it to anyone seeking an internship, work experience, or just something engaging to do that also benefits the community. This experience has provided us with invaluable insights into the inner workings of a non-profit organization, website building, people skills, and work in general..."