
Let’s Play America increases opportunities for all people to enjoy play through partnering with communities, organizations, and individuals to create locally-inspired, playful events.

We bring accessible play events to all communities!

Let’s Play America was founded in July 2014 by Pat Rumbaugh (“The Play Lady”) and Daniel Nakamura to encourage people of all ages to give themselves time to play daily.  Read more about Pat and Daniel.

It all began in March 2009 when Pat formed a play committee in Takoma Park, Maryland that became TakomaPlays!. This organization consisted of people who wanted to promote play within their community.

The group of play advocates met regularly and began to plan free play events.  They also applied to the nonprofit KaBOOM and succeeded in having Takoma Park designated as a Playful City USA in 2009.  Takoma Park was named a Playful City every year, until the program ended in 2017.

Pat’s work with TakomaPlays! led her to believe that communities all over America could benefit from developing similar organizations. She and Daniel decided to co-found Let’s Play America to bring this vision to communities throughout the country and around the world.

TakomaPlays! became part of the larger organization Let’s Play America when it was formed and serves as a model of what other communities aspire to with their advocating and promotion of accessible play for all. Learn more about how you can create a play group in your community.

Let's Play!

We've provided over 50 Play Days
for local communities!