The Spirit of Play Award is given annually by Let’s Play America as a way to recognize and honor the people and organizations that have contributed to the development and mission of promoting accesibble play throughout communities. To be considered, a recipient must have been directly involved as a volunteer or supporter of Let’s Play America and demonstrated efforts to advance the mission and vision of our organization.

Dr. Donna Graham
2024 Awardee
Dr. Donna Graham is a retired D.C. educator and former Teacher of the Year. She inspires creativity and community engagement through her leadership and dedication.

Judy Jaffie
2023 Awardee
Judy volunteers at every Play Day as “The Dress-up Lady” helping children transform into their favorite storybook character or imaginative creature.

Dean Paris
2022 Awardee
Dean is very active in his community and helps bring playful events to all children and adults.

Congressman Jamie Raskin
2021 Awardee
Congressman Raskin is an advocate for play throughout Takoma Park. He is also an excellent leader of “Simon Says” and can be found leading the game on local Play Days.

Hanisco Family
2020 Awardee
An exceptionally playful and giving family, the Hanisco family enjoys spreading play as they volunteer throughout their community.

Takoma Park Recreation Dept.
2019 Awardee
A cheerful, fun loving crew always willing to lend a hand on Play Days.

Anna & Jay Keller
2018 Awardee
This husband-wife duo are always up for keeping things playful as they volunteer their time within their local community.

Phil Shapiro
2017 Awardee
Phil believes in bringing playful events to all members of the community.

Cherwanda Oliver
2016 Awardee
Cherwanda has been part of Let’s Play America from the beginning, and currently sits on the board. She is a playful mother and grandmother, and wants to spread joy within her community.

Colleen DiPaul
2015 Awardee
Colleen was Let’s Play America’s first Spirit of Play recipient. She exuberates giving and joy to all those she comes into contact with and we’re proud to honor Colleen as our first awardee.